Thursday, September 18, 2008

Me nekeneke, me nukunuku

A couple of things i want to share:

I just received an email from Huia who is a cartographer with a local firm - she uses Arc-GIS as part of her tools and skill sets. She has just invited me up to have a look at what she does, and how she does it - the skills that set her apart are the fact that she is Maori & is interested in Maori Cartography and the whole gamut & range of knowledge that is part and parcel of her world view.

Second: Otago University was host to an interesting young lady from Alaska, a FullBright Scholar, PhD Student, who is in New Zealand at Auckland University for a year. I went to her seminar on Monday afternoon - great talk on Worldview and how it informs & influences our approaches to applying Indigenous ways of being and what that means in our areas of interests. She also gave me a book by Oscar Kawagley - Yupiaq Worldviews

# so, my plan will be to head up to see Huia and get some tips to help me with my Cultural Mapping section of my PhD
# Browse through the book that Malia gave me - Yupiaq Worldview by Oscar Kawagley

Naaku noa

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