- I'm involved in the Geo-Spatial CoRE
- I'm involved in the Nga Pae bid
- I submitted a proposal to Te Putahitanga
- I have just finished writing up Te Koronga article
- I have a draft for a new paper: Ethno-Cartography
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Te Koronga
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
So to cap off 2010, i handed in my PhD to the PhD office and then waited. . .
Let me see:
I waited for 5 months for my dissertation to be returned marked to me - five months!
A really good friend of mine, Mark Laws passed away in December of 2010 - drowned. He and I were at University together at Otago - he was one smart Maori - he ended up at Awanuiarangi Wananga. So my wife and I went to his tangi in Maketu. Good catch up with old friends: Robin Martin, Inia Ashford, Toroa Pohatu, Karina Laws, Pip Pehi and many others.
One of the other things we did at the same time was visit Matakana Island - Hinewais family - not long after that, her mother passed away. Now that was a huge trip north!
2011 I graduated with my PhD and it was absolutely awesome! My Aunty Bubba came down, my cousins came up from Invercargill - Rose and Hineauri and we had a huge hangi!
I began working at the Casino - interesting work - passing time really!
Lets see: 2012
Still working at the Casino
Took leave to head over to the States to attend the NAISA conference in Connecticut - amazing! Also spent time in New York before heading to LA where i spent time with Carey and then i popped up to San Fran to catch up with Rosemarie
I also went to Sydney Australia to the Google Outreach Launch - spoke at the workshop and met a lot of interesting and smart people
I also did a couple of mapping contracts via CFRT for Aapakura and Te Rohe Potae
- Started the Mapping contract for Tuwharetoa - 153 maps! around 2000 waahi tapu sites
- Started at the PE School as a Teaching Fellow
- Set up Te Koronga research group for our Maori students at the PE school
- Waahi tapu database - design/build
- Hosted Google Outreach in Taupo Turangi (Raleigh Seamster)
- Went to the Maori GIS conference
- Accompanied Raleigh and Graeeme (Google) to Awanuiarangi in Whakatane
- Attended the research workshops with Leonie Pihama and Sara-Jane Tiakiwai at Hopuhopu - awesome!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Discover Your Strengths

Discover your Strengths

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Indigenous Cartography: the mapping of New Spain

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Paepae: Spatial technologies and the geography of narratives
Yesterday was a day to remember! I took my Doctoral Dissertation to my Department for printing and eventual submission for examination! I went to the 11th floor of the Commerce building on Clyde street, The University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand with my USB pen drive containing copies (PDF & docx) of my dissertation - and handed over to Heather for printing.
It was then that i noticed the view - been a long time since i have stopped to admire the 'views' - She let me take a photo from her balcony:
I am absolutely thrilled to be at this stage - I couldnt think of another place i would rather be right now! Lots of toil, struggle, sweat and tears as well a huge sacrifice of time and energy, missed holidays and family events - it is with the deepest respect that i thank my family for their infinite patience and tolerance!
How I wish my Mum was alive to see this moment! Ngaa mihi atu ra ki a koe e te kui
Otiraa, ki te whaanau - Teenei taaku e mihi atu ki a koutou katoa
te manawanui o Ranginui ki a koutou!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Localisation, Participation and Communication: an Introduction to Good PGIS Practice from CTA on Vimeo.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
MAI 2010 - the Otago Group
Some of my colleagues who attended the MAI 2010 Doctoral Conference included Donna and Tia both in the Psychology Department at Otago University. Donna has just submitted and Tia is at the business end of her data collection. If you were to ask me what they are studying I couldn't really tell you but what i can tell is that they are both great students with good minds for seeing through the fog and getting on with the business.
The Otago Group was up first and there were some very interesting and challenging presentations.
Lorna rom the Botany department spoke about her research above Norway - it's to do with flowers that grow at 78 degrees latitude - fascinating research! A flower that generates 22 degrees C at an air temperature of 8 degrees C.