Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Paepae: Spatial technologies and the geography of narratives

Yesterday was a day to remember! I took my Doctoral Dissertation to my Department for printing and eventual submission for examination! I went to the 11th floor of the Commerce building on Clyde street, The University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand with my USB pen drive containing copies (PDF & docx) of my dissertation - and handed over to Heather for printing.

It was then that i noticed the view - been a long time since i have stopped to admire the 'views' - She let me take a photo from her balcony:

The view from the top!

The PhD

I am absolutely thrilled to be at this stage - I couldnt think of another place i would rather be right now! Lots of toil, struggle, sweat and tears as well a huge sacrifice of time and energy, missed holidays and family events - it is with the deepest respect that i thank my family for their infinite patience and tolerance!

How I wish my Mum was alive to see this moment! Ngaa mihi atu ra ki a koe e te kui

Otiraa, ki te whaanau - Teenei taaku e mihi atu ki a koutou katoa

te manawanui o Ranginui ki a koutou!


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