Saturday, October 4, 2014

Te Koronga

I have to admit that i love change! I am not always accepting of change - at least immediately, but i know change is good for me. So, I've been at the PE department for just over a year and a lot of things have occurred. Let me see, here are the things i am involved with:

  1. I'm involved in the Geo-Spatial CoRE
  2. I'm involved in the Nga Pae bid 
  3. I submitted a proposal to Te Putahitanga
  4. I have just finished writing up Te Koronga article
  5. I have a draft for a new paper: Ethno-Cartography

Been a great year so far

And now i need an income of around $8,000 by the middle of December so that i can take care of my expenses from Jan -  March 2015. So i am looking at my options!

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